Posted on 2/26/2023

Cars are expensive, new or used. Next to the purchase of a home, your car or truck is likely the next highest priced thing you own. That kind of investment needs to be protected. Luckily, there are some simple things you can do to extend the life of your car. The difference between a vehicle that makes it to 100,000 miles and one that gets to 200,000 miles or more can mean a significant amount of money you can keep in your pocket, So here are a few easy things you can do to make your car last longer. (1) Washing It Here in Ohio, we live right in the middle of the rust belt. With our midwest climate comes hot, humid, muggy summers and harsh winters. Washing and cleaning your car can be the difference between it showing significant signs of rust and corrosion in as little as 4 or 5 years or staying rust free for many many years.Our streets are pretreated with a corrosive brine prior to large snowfalls and salt afterwards. Going thru a good quality car wash that offers an&nbs ... read more
Posted on 4/1/2020

Here at 5 Star Auto Care we are following the proper guidelines ensuring that any visit to our local business is safe. We’d like you to consider our convenient options to comply with the new norm of social distancing: Take advantage of our drop-off services to lessen everyone’s exposure. We will gladly help you with any transportation needs and can provide rides to your home or work. Allow us to process your payment on the phone or online. We are staggering our wait appointments and ensuring that the proper social distance is available when you enter our business. Our lobby is wiped down after being occupied. Upon completion of each service, the steering wheel, door locks and gear shifts and any other internal knobs and surfaces are cleaned before returning your vehicle to you. We appreciate your support of our small business